Discover Your Unique Style

Unlock Your Style Potential

Take the personalized style quiz designed for women over 50 and uncover the secrets to a more confident, stylish you. Find out what your current style says about you and how we can elevate it together!

the style quiz

Why Take the Quiz?

Elevate Your Style with Expert Insights

  • Discover a style that truly reflects your individuality and life journey.
  • Gain guidance and support from a community that understands the unique style challenges and opportunities after 50.
  • Learn how to adapt fashion trends to suit your personal taste and lifestyle.
  • Find inspiration to confidently embrace and dress for your changing body shape.
  • Become part of a movement that celebrates the power of style at any age, boosting confidence and self-expression.
style for women over 50

Jennifer Ebelhar, The Style Equation

Jennifer Ebelhar is a dedicated personal stylist with a mission to empower women over 50. With a keen eye for fashion and a heart full of compassion, Jennifer helps her clients transition from feeling dated and invisible to becoming relevant and radiant. Her approach is personalized, ensuring that every woman she works with feels confident and stylish in outfits they love wearing.

When nothing fits, I curate an elevated wardrobe for your unique figure.

As Seen In...

Feel confident in the clothes you wear every day. When you add your name to our newsletter, I'll help you create elevated casual outfits that fit properly, feel amazing, and bring you compliments.

online personal styling + stylist + Cabi clothes by Jennifer Ebelhar

When nothing fits, I curate an elevated wardrobe for your unique figure.

© 2024 Jennifer Ebelhar | Brand + Site Design by Kristin Korn of CORE Brand Marketing